This was a great summer and a great experience at Way Side garage this summer. I learned so much from my mentor Samuel and survived my internship. Although it was a lot of hard work I got it done and I will definitely remember everything that happened during this internship. I was lucky enough to get a job at Way Side after my internship was finished and worked for the remainder of the summer. I definitely recommend this internship to any hardworking individuals that arent afraid to get down and dirty. This internship taught me the value of listening to instructions and also taught me that hard work really does pay off. At the beginning of the summer I wasnt so sure about following the career of being a mechanic but now I will definitely look in to it. Im thankful of being given the experience to work along side Samuel and I want to thank him and my supervisor Stacey for giving me that opportunity.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Last day at Wayside 6/27
Yesterday I took the day off from work but today is my last day as a intern at way side garage. Today was a pretty easy day as I did a couple oil changes and also had to do a oil change on a rv that was too big to put on a hydrolic lift. In order to do the oil change on the rv I had to put a car jack under the front of the rv and lay under the car to do the oil change. Although it was hard I got it done and was very happy at the end of the day since it was my last day of hard labor as a mechanic at Way Side garage.
Door trouble 6/25/14
Today was a good day but just a little frustrating. I started the day off by driving some cars in and out of the shop and charging a battery on a truck. Then I had to deal with a car that was having door problems which was very frustrating bc no matter what I did the door was still sticking. Then Samuel helped me with the door problem and we finally fixed it.
Another day 6/24/14
Another day on the job and coming close to one of my last days here at Wayside. I assisted my mentor Samuel on a break inspection and a couple oil changes. I also helped him put a new air boot in a bmw which was really challenging for my mentor to do and took him over a half hour to do. After we finally got that done I drove a customer to there house and also got to drive some cars in and out of the shop.
Multi tasking 6/23/14
Busy day today with a lot to do in such a short amount of time. There was so many customers that came in today we had to keep things moving. At first I had to charge a battery of a car that was dead and while that car was charging I had to empty oil drains, take out and replace a altinator, and rotate the converter of a truck with a ratchet so I could take out the tork convert belts and replace them with new ones. Doing all these things at once you can get easily confused and mess up but I just took my time to think about what I was doing so I didnt ruin the customers car. After I got done with all the multi tasking I had to help clean by mopping the floor and by the end of the day I was really tired and happy that day was over.
Dr. Mechanic 6/20/14
Today was a interesting day as I discovered a tool that not only doctors use on patients but also what mechanics use on cars. This tool is the stethoscope although doctors use it to listen to patients hearts mechanics use it to listen to the motor of engines, which is like the heart of a car. I used it today to listen to the belts in a truck and it really does work well. Other then listening to cars with a stethoscope I also did the usual oil changes and also helped my supervisor put up a mirror in her office.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
New things everyday 6/19/14
Even though it was coming close to be my last day at the shop I still was learning new things. Today I learned how to use the hydraulic system for cars all by myself. At first I was scared because I didn't want to end up dropping somebody's car and ruining the car but I got used to using the machine and my worrys went away. I then helped Samuel take off tires and while he balance the tires I was replacing the brake lights on a truck because they where no longer working. I ended today with three or four oil changes and also a brake inspection.
Customer service 6/18/14
Today was a good day besides a problem that I had putting together a shelf. My mentor Samuel wanted me to put together a shelf for the office and I did not follow the directions for putting it together and ended up destroying the shelf. Other than the shelf incident I did a few oil changes throughout the day , stack some old tires and even had the chance to talk to a customer and drive them home so I can take their car back to the shop to be worked on. After I got back from dropping off the customer I helped Samuel work on the car and put in a new transmission.